Dungeon: Keep Her - Public Release - Alpha 0.17

[Originally posted Oct 25 on Patreon]

Welcome back, Keepers!

Hope you're all doing well!

It's Spooky Season!

For this Halloween, many different creatures and monsters are joining the Dungeons as new character races!

New researchable character races are:












All new races feature lots of special appearance traits, allowing you to create, collect and breed very unique new characters.

Be sure to catch'em all!

The Dungeon Codex

You can now browse the Dungeon Codex, and ingame wiki of sorts!

Procedurally filled with any content currently available in the game (yes -- even eventual mods!), the Codex will help you better understand the game's mechanics and keep track of any unlocked content.

Most tooltips will now allow you to press "H" to quickly open up the Codex page for what you're hovering over!

The Codex keeps track of any discovered recipes for items or potions, any character you come across and their stories in the Dungeon, Rooms and their effects, Clothing, Abilities, Weapons, and more!

It's still not perfect and more improvements will be made as time goes on, but it's a good start!

Major Bugfixes & Improvements

-Fixed graphical issues that caused bright lights and washed out colors in lower graphical settings.

-Fixed event queueing issues which caused broken savefiles and infinite pregnancies / expeditions.

-Added a way to trade multiple items at once.

-Fixed invalid level up trait rewards.

-Removed male pregnancy (will be added later as research option).

-Fixed newborns spawning as zombies.

-Fixed an issue that caused asocial characters to repeatedly be affected by "on witnessed" trait effects.

-Fixed an issue that caused recruited characters to lose changes made during imprisonment.

Up Next

Before Alpha 0.18, there's something very important I want to work on, which I believe a lot of you will really enjoy!

While experimenting on what will be the Dungeon Court system for Alpha 0.18, I found myself really amused at the third-person perspective and controls, as they feel really immersive and "personal".

I wondered about what other mechanics could make use of it, and eventually I decided to try my hand at a little spin off game based on the same content.

So, Keepers, I'm happy to present to you the idea of:

Dungeon: Raid Her

"Dungeon: Raid Her" will be a standalone game in the series, but still make use of the same assets as the base game, making development advance on both fronts at once!

It'll essentially be the same project, but treated with a different set of base rules.

The idea for the game is that right after creating your character, you're dropped in third-person mode, in what is essentially a roguelite action game.

You start in a village on the surface, where you can talk to persistant, non-procedural NPCs with their own quests, shops and storylines you can progress.

After preparations are done, you embark on a journey into the Dungeons!

Dungeons in DRH will be procedural areas, more detailed and "opened-up" than Dungeons in the base game.

Down there you'll be able to explore, find loot and interact or fight with whatever characters you find!

Combat will take place in real time, using directional attacks and blocks.

DRH will make use of the reworked Lewd Interaction systems, which will also be present in DKH Alpha 0.18, allowing you and world characters to freely perform multiple interactions on one another.

DRH is a great way for people to get into the more overwhelming DKH base game, as it provides a quick, more personal and straightforward experience!

It is by no way a replacement, as both will advance side by side!

I'll go into a lot more detail about DRH at a later date, but it's something I want to release as a little tech demo for Patrons before moving on to DKH Alpha 0.18.

Alpha 0.18

Alpha 0.18 will feature the Dungeon Court system, plus the reworked trap and lust interaction systems!

You'll be able to roam around and customize your player area with placeable Props, having characters interact with them and with you in third-person view.

Trap rooms will no longer just work as damage-doers and instead cause special interactions and scenes, while also working as placeable Court props!

The new Lewd Interaction system will allow multiple scenes to occur simultaneously throughout the world, happening naturally between loving characters, for instance.

More content variety, such as interactions, abilities and clothing, are also planned.

That was it for this one! I hope you all have fun, and stay tuned!


Dungeon-KeepHer_Alpha_0.17.zip 442 MB
Nov 20, 2024

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Great update although I do wonder when it will be easier to aquire single use transformatives for like skin and hair.

Love DKH! Genuinely very fun (and very hot). Already sunk an embarrassing amount of hours into it.   Can't wait to see what you've got coming! 

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey dude, i think you're onto something great with this game and your ideas about the third person perspective add on. I think you could go even farther and make it a 1st person perspective, that's the kind of immersion i'd love to see for this. I think you could also go a step further and be able to DRH from your own dungeon that you build, out to other dungeons, kind of how you can send individuals out on quests.. you could go out, capture individuals, acquire resources or technology, and bring them back to the dungeon you built.

I love the game. It's awesome. Keep up the good work, whatever you decide to do with it!
Literally one of the most exciting games around in terms of features and what you can "do" in game.

Alpha v 0.17

Is there a perma death mode?

Is there a way to cure a zombie?


Some times, after a battle I will go to that character's screen.  Some times I only get a blank screen and have to force the game to close.

Leveling up leader with crystals does not gain them skills.


0.17 Alpha

I found the potion section in the Dungeon Codex.

I am thinking that the double die bug is due to the bleed from barbwire traps.

I bought the game again.  Seems the amounts are not added together.

Will lore characters come back?


A 'get dressed' button.

Add some thing in the Dungeon Codex about play modes.  I did not know that picking a different character in the start gives to a different start.

Change the character rotation slider.  One have the slider be a 360 turn.  Two change it to rotate left and right buttons.

Make the color codes standard.  0 is always red 1 is always blue…

Thank you,

Are you telling me that now everything will be by pattern? :(

(1 edit)

version Alpha 0.17


Character born in the dungeon can get 'Barren' and 'Fertile'.  When I leveled this character with a crystal, 'Barren' kept being one of the options.


Do not play the cash sound when player can not buy item.


I finally got around to see how fast I could use alchemy to get a character to new version.  Is there a recipe list?  U am fine going in to it blind.  Not having away to see what you have found makes me lose interest.  If you put a flower in the system, they stay, even if you leave the inventory.  Coming back to the alchemy screen, no flowers show.  Is there a way to get rid of the 'Narrow Waist' tag?  Is 'Tiny Nose' smaller than normal or, is it the default?

[Save file]





These should be removed.  They fill the save file with data that does not need to be here.  It also makes static information changeable.  The only thing that seems important is "name" and "stack".  Even better would be to give every item an "id" like you do if characters.  When I emptied these, it broke the game by not doing what





These should be removed.  The way inventory items are handled, these get very big.  If all items had an "id" this would be smaller.  Does not seem to change the fact these (in current game) are never going to be use.  *I moved the recipe variables down from the inventory because, they do not break the game.











From what I can tell, these get check with the character tag.  If a value is wrong, it is fixed.  Removing any of these will break the game.  So, The program looks at the tag 'Pretty Brows'.  Then reads from program data what should go to .characters.[].appearance.faceItemBrow in save file.  Compares the data and makes changes if needed.  Then looks at .characters.[].appearance.faceItemBrow to do some thing.  You are getting the information you want with out these variables in the save file.

Alpha 0.17

Is there a way to turn stamina on?  I want to play the game with it.


Having a prisoner in the throne room when the Overworld party comes back.  Even through I have a cell, any prisoners over, that can not fit in the throne room, are lost.

While my opponent was having an orgasm, I attacked and took the last of their hit points.  Once I ended my turn they died.  The game stated that I had failed to stop the invasion.

During the opponent's turn they bleed out.  They died and for some reason died again.  This put the game in to a loop, locking the game in the reward screen.


An eating chamber.

Over world should be only Prisoners, Food and Treasure.  Treasure would get you gems, gold or research as well as normal loot.

Move the 'lore' characters out of the 'characters' variable.  These characters get picked up when using the help function on skills.

Only one autosave.  I see no reason for each game having their own.

The fingering characters should be switched like how it is in combat.

(1 edit)

This is a great update with the "How to" feature and other stuff. But I haven't seen any of the new races yet besides my character. I'm checking the store every now and then and nothing. Is there something I'm missing so I can see the new races?

{EDIT} I just found out that you have to scroll down on the "Choose Category" tab

Nice work in Alpha 0.17

The roster is better.  I do like being able to buy and sell multiples at a time.  It is fun working through the new races.  Character leveling screen.  I like the 'How to' button (I have not been through it).

I have not had the problem where having a prisoner join takes them back to old relationship score.

Capturing the first invader breaks the tutorial.

Characters can not path once they get hungry or dirty.  They can be helped by setting them to guard a location that they can reach.  This does not help if they are to the point of talking about it.  when this happens they will not move.


Slime should be a personality.  They do not talk in words like zombies do just not like zombies sound.  They get all of the moves of "Adventure", "Frigid", "Innocent" and, "Pervy".  They should default to "No Brows".

Buttons on bottom right order should be: Roster Inventory Altar Research and How to.

Move all of the controls and windows of the character screen to one side.

Like with being able to give a character a bath.  Add an option to feed the character.  Using the inventory is fine until the amount of stuff pushes the food down.  Same for bandages.


In the character screen; middle mouse button move up and down one way and right mouse click move the other.

In the map; Between display setting low medium and high, moving with the mouse becomes more sensitive.

In the character screen; Mousing over windows does not stop the reactions on the screen behind.  When I mouse over the character window and scroll wheel, the camera zooms in and out.


The insects are okay, but it's a bit weird to me that they have not clear animal like faces like a werewolf or something. The human face can look akward on them.


Standard asset faces with added cosmetic on it. Its the easiest way to make a character fast without effort.


1.- yey, new updates
2.- DRH sounds great, we will be able to build a base/house were we can store items and or rescued/recruited party members?
3.-no cow girls?


game loads, but i cant seem to press the new game button, the load game button, or the exit button... how fix?

having the same issue 

hopefully someone will know what o d


i had to unistall and re-install it but that got it to work 

Did you edit your save file?  If so, you may have made a mistake in what you dud.

I really like how the game is so far, but there seems to be some confusing aspect about crafting.
You see, when you look at the describtion of that you unlock crafting, i thought there would be a dedicated icon or butten for me to click on to lead me to crafting, and not being part of the inventory/store menu. It took me a long while to find out that you can craft stuff.

I actually thought i was going to be able to craft items like clothing and tools or weapons, but all i can craft are bandage from torn cloth by scraping items.
I hope more types of craftables will be available, because honestly im more using my money to get them at this point.

Great work with the 0.17 update. seems the game its more stable than ever.

I want to ask if you can send your servants outside in a loop. So i don't need to send them for example on a kidnapping mission every single time manually.

Can futanari get pregnant?  What about the MC?

My MC got pregnant as a futa, so yes you can.
Tho it seems there is a bug with that if you sex a female as a futa, you have a chance of making both the female and the futa pregnant at the same time.

One thing I found very unique is the corruption process for an playable character so they change their behavior from virgin and not interested in sex from like non-virgin and addicted to anything that has encountered them.

Could be a fun and tempting challenge for those who try to so a full virgin play through while others can experience the process of their characters getting corrupted. 

I'd wish DRH will have this at some point

cant wait to see drh

hey dev if dkh is 0.18 at the time you release drh would that mean drh will be jumping from 0.1 to 0.18 ^_^

im joking but it would be funny if you did this

is there any way that i can close the dungeon codex? i tried every button on my keyboard and it didn't close it


There's a pretty nasty bug that prevents loading and starting a new save of any kind, you're brought to an empty room screen with the lewd interaction prompts though nothing happens and there's no one, making the game completely unplayable.

also cant start the game too bad the update made my day 

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